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Plants Spoken Here
A Selection of Indoor Bulbs
If you're looking for something no one else is growing, plant some bulbs.
Appropriately referred to as foxtail lily, this Middle East native makes a bold statement in late spring.
Albuca namaquensis
An unusual plant from Africa grown for its spiky foliage is easy to bloom following a period of dryness.
Winter shamrocks grow from bulbs and bloom in late winter/early spring.
Allium 'Medusa'
Among the many hardy blooming onions, 'Medusa' has a unique style.
Amarine 'Belladiva'
Amarine is a non-hardy hybrid cross between Amaryllis and Nerine that blooms in late summer.
Clivia miniata
An easy-bloomer, this unusual Clivia from Africa flowers indoors during late winter/early spring.
Eucomis montana
Eucomis, or pineapple lily, works well in containers, its long-lasting flowers blooming from mid- to late summer.
Scadoxus is a novelty that I've found is tricky to re-bloom. Successful flowering depends on the maturity and size of the bulb.
Gloriosa lily
Not a true lily, but a member of the Crocus family, this tuberous plant from Africa requires a dormant period to bloom.
Commonly called Peruvian daffodil, Hymenocallis is related to Amaryllis and is native to North and South America.
This ginger comes from the tropics of Thailand, and requires lots of heat to bloom. It's also known as the Siam tulip.
This hardy bulb, also called Siberian lily, is from northern Asia. It blooms in mid-spring at the same time as peonies, and makes a great cut flower.
Polianthes tuberosa
This double-flowered tuberose requires a hot summer in order to bloom.
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