This is a dangerous time of year for me. One minute I'm on my computer looking things up out of curiosity, and then BAM! I'm hitting the "buy" button on some obscure website. Those websites typically sell plants, and this year, I'm going crazy for bulbs.
So now, I'll be looking for homes for nine new Pineapple lily (Eucomis) bulbs along with those I successfully stored over the winter.
Another bulb I ordered this year (I actually ordered six) is commonly called African blood lily. Of course, it's not a lily at all, just as the above "pineapple lily" is not a lily, but don't get me started... Anyway, once you've seen Scadoxus in bloom, you won't quickly forget it.
I'm planning two pots of Scadoxus, each holding three bulbs along with a well-behaved low-growing plant to be named later. Last time I grew Scadoxus, I combined it with a shamrock called Oxalis 'Iron Cross', its deep purple leaf centers contrasting beautifully with the bright coral Scadoxus blooms.
And then of course there is Tigridia, a flower some say is an acquired taste. They're so easy to grow, and so inexpensive, I think it's time to grow them again. They're as easy as Gladiolus. I planted them when the soil warmed up in May and I had them in bloom by early July.
Another thing about Tigridia is that they make great cut flowers.
Those websites need not remain obscure, and for some they're well known. Here are a few sites from which I've successfully ordered all manner of plants, bulbs in particular:
• Brent and Becky’s Bulbs: Gloucester, VA
• Easy to Grow Bulbs, Oceanside, CA
• Edens Blooms: Thatcher, AZ
• Glasshouse Works: Stewart, OH
• Longfield Gardens: Lakewood, NJ
• Old House Gardens: Ann Arbor, MI
• Plant Delights Nursery: Raleigh, NC
• Telos Rare Bulbs: Ferndale, CA
These aren't the only bulbs I've ordered. I must have gotten stuck on the "Gs" in my search for information because I'm also expecting a few new (to me) Gladiolus, three Galtonia (commonly called white summer hyacinth), and two varieties of Gloriosa, a vine that loves the heat. I've got to stop already or I'll be overwhelmed with the riches.